Law firm
Klára Samková s.r.o.

Specialists in difficult cases


... if everything is mixed together: a divorce, childcare, taxes, joint or self-employment, criminal affairs, labour-law relations, settlement of property, real estate, mortgages, loans, family possessions, car accidents, damage to health, inheritances, damage to the reputation of a company and interference in moral rights… and more besides…

Do you have a vision? A project? A plan? Do you have a dream? Do you want to venture into an activity which you have clearly planned out, but are not sure how to manage the legal matters that come along with it? We help to put things together… Business, taxes, labour-law relationships, loans, leasing, mortgages, rent and leases, financial advisory services, battles for permits and negotiations with administrative offices. The registry of schools, municipal property, trust funds and charities, skilled trades, the Commercial Register...

Are others angering you? Partners in the company, members of an owners' association, cooperative members, tenants, the landlord, employees, your employer, the competition, authorities, suppliers, customers, co-owners, neighbours, partners, children, parents, road users, transport companies, the police or criminals?  

Have you got yourself into problems, without even knowing how? And have the police come knocking at your door with the threat of prosecution hanging in the air? Or has it already started or have charges even been filed?

Misfortune does not wander the hills, but comes after people. Life brings with it complicated situations where a Gordian knot is a few simple threads in comparison. People do not choose such situations, nor do they choose when they occur. They typically come at the most inconvenient time or when you think the worst is behind you and think your life can only get better. And suddenly everything changes. Suddenly the world has been turned upside down you are faced with an entirely new unexpected situation, the full impacts of which you cannot always imagine, never mind grasp and rationally resolve. It is often the case that, at the same time, you are emotionally hurt, weakened by grief or the loss of material property and life assurances. You need not only professional legal help, but also a guide, a consultant, a personal mentor, a coach, and sometimes perhaps a psychotherapist or a friend.

Are you afraid that if you take a step in one direction, it will have an effect on other unforeseen circumstances? Everything is connected and intertwined and you are afraid to move, since you do not want to improve the situation on the one hand only to worsen it on the other. Have you been forced into court proceedings which are out of your control because a lawsuit has been initiated by someone else? Or do you want to take action because it is essential to defend your rights and claims?

In such situations it is worth turning to our law firm. What will you get from us?

  • We will listen patiently and ask useful questions.
  • We will map all aspects of your problem.
  • We will identify the most painful, dangerous, difficult and uncertain knotted areas of your problem.
  • We will inform you on the relevant legislation which will affect your position.
  • We will discuss and establish clear goals: what do you exactly want to achieve? In what order and in what time sequence?
  • We will suggest individual steps towards a solution. We will suggest where to begin and draw attention to obstacles which could subsequently occur.
  • We attempt to estimate the financial risks and what it could cost you – legal representation, our consultancy and in the case of court proceedings court fees and potential compensation for the adverse party in the event of a loss.
  • We build a strategic solution with you.
  • We will protect and encourage you.
  • We will not only advise you. We will not only represent and defend you – we will stand by your side…

Klára A. Samková

Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. (Legal office Klára Samková, Ltd.) is insured against liability for damages up to CZK 50,000,000 per year.

In addition to this insurance, each cooperating lawyer is insured for CZK 7,500,000 per year.

If an attorney neglects his/her work in such a way as to damage the interests of his/her client, the damage incurred shall be reimbursed to the client by the attorney's insurance company.