Co-operative and Condominium law

The times when Prague was governed by three housing co-operatives, that administered thousands of houses, is irrevocably past. Many co-operatives were divided, numerous other co-operatives were founded by house tenants for the purpose of privatisation of the housing fund. The agenda of the small co-operatives that resulted in the privatisation or division of large co-operatives is extensive and demanding. The conditions in co-operatives are often chaotic, sometimes complicated by bad personal relations between the members – neighbours. How to tackle such cases? We know how to write the kind of co-operative articles, that are good for others things aside from ”passing” at the registration to the business register – you can actually act on them! From the articles that are found to be lacking we can make articles, that express the true will of the members and arranges the complex relations between them. We know how to prepare a meeting of the members and we can also advise as to how to really solve problems – not only from the legal side, but also the practical side. We will prepare the transfer of co-operative apartments into the private ownership of the co-operative members. We can also help in those cases, when the owners of apartments decide to found another body rather than a co-operative and highlight the advantages and drawbacks of individual types of association. We will take on the defence of the co-operative against an individual co-operative member or vice versa in cases, when the one or the other party does not fulfil its obligations or duties given by the articles of the co-operative.

Housing co-operatives and Condominium law

Everything, that has been said about Housing co-operatives above, applies to Condominium as well. However, the situation of Condominium is even more complicated, because its activities are governed by the Civil Code – regulation analogous to associations. The case law in relation to Condominium law is evolving intensively at the moment and we are following it closely.

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